Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I have had my account on Facebook for a few years now. I find it an easy way to keep up with family that is spread across the country. We can upload pictures, write on each other's walls and play games with each other.

It bothers me somewhat, that what is put on Facebook is not exactly private. My friends or any of my family's friend's can see most of what our family publishes on Facebook. Usually, I only put anything on Facebook that is not private. For private items I still prefer the telephone. I don't agree that Facebook should be keeping everyone's private information, once they no longer have an account. It will be interesting to see what the Privacy Commission determines about the information that Facebook keeps and what directives it will give concerning this information.

My kids all have Facebook accounts and so does their grandmother, who is on Facebook every day checking up on her grandkids. There have been times when I have received a phone call from my mother about something my kids have said or put on Facebook.

I will continue to use Facebook as it is a communication medium for our extended family to share some events and to post pictures that family members across the country or in another city can see and enjoy. I realize that there are other places on the internet where pictures can be stored and viewed, but for now for our family, Facebook seems to be it.

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